Friday, May 05, 2006

Do's and Don'ts

The Do: California Exit Exam

A lot of people have been yapping about the Exit Exam that California will begin using this year. Basically, it tests public high school students on pre-eleventh grade math and english skills. Basically, it's an easy version of the SAT. A dumb JEW could pass that test!

But Nooo, not the Latinos. Especially the illegal ones. They have no time to let their kids be educated in our public school system - it's a total waste of taxpayers' money. As a matter of fact, Latinos have an incredibly large dropout rate - they're not just stupid, they don't value an education AT ALL! And many people have the adacity to call the Exit Exam "racist!?" Latinos are not even a race - they're an ethnic group with no semblance of American values! They burn American flags and desecrate the American National Anthem? And congress wants AMNESTY!" (I know, the call it a "comprehensive guest worker program" but really, it's amnesty. Yep.)

A woman called into a local talk radio station about this issue. She explained that she's an LAUSD high school teacher. She said that she set up remedial classes for students who failed the exam so they can take it again and pass. No one showed up to these classes. And they were all Latino.

The Don't: Gay Textbooks

It has come to my attention that allowing special mention in American history textbooks of which famous people were or are gay has finally made its way into the legislative process.

I could not believe my ears when I heard this. My thought was: does it really matter. Is not mentioning who's gay and who isn't a form of *gasp* discrimination?!

No! My qualm with this is that we should leave gays alone. Remember, they are a minority. Minority is not equitable with inferiority. We should not give gays "special mention" in history just because they were gay! And worse, if legislatures go along with this crap, should we not give special mention of every famous American who had appendicitis in history? How about noting which Presidents were ambidextrous - or would left-handed people feel discriminated against? HA! Doubtful. But if this legislation passes, maybe I'll move to Canada.


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