Sunday, April 30, 2006

Stargate Atlantis

Yes I'll admit it...I'm a born-again Stargate Atlantis fan! I recently obtained the entire Season 1 on DVD and I'm looking for the Season 2 DVD and also for Season 3 to begin in mid-July! I love it so much I joined eleven bulletin boards dedicated to the Stargate universe! If u love Stargate Atlantis then gimme a shout! (Or at least post a comment to this blog!)

Illegal Immigration: Fretting A Little More

Yeah, I'm pissed. The LA Times and Bush recently came out in favor of amnesty and Illegal Alien supporters somehow managed to desecrate and deface the American National Anthem. For links to why I'm so darned upset see here. And please, if you have an opinion on this issue don't hesitate replying to this blog post. I don't care if you're for or against, I just want to get this issue talked about, so let's have it out!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Illegal Immigration: Viewpoints

I've decided I'll officially come out on a particular issue: Illegal immigration (specifically of Latinos) into the United States.
My stance?
Closed borders.
KFI and the Minuteman Project.
I listen to the former as often as possible and have an entire favorties folder devoted to the Minuteman Project. Based on all the arguments I've heard, and also because I'm a staunch patriot, I believe current anti-illegal immigration laws should be enforced and that McCain, Feinstein and Kennedy can really all go to hell, IMHO.

Flag Waving Banned at Colorado School
Drudge Report

More on this later.