Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Illegals, Antonovich, Fox, Jefferson

Get this: illegal aliens are Mexico’s second most profitable industry after petroleum, with Mexican illegal aliens sending home an annual average of $20 billion. Our economy is being shitted on by another nation whose president is advocating this large business enterprise. It is sad that American Business is no longer a Business for Americans.

Supervisor Mike Antonovich, member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, was the only no-vote of four in a decision to discard an employee application similar to this one because three of the voters felt that a question that asked about employees’ criminal pasts was discriminatory against job-seekers who have committed crimes in the past. I was in shock when I heard this. The law is supposed to punish lawbreakers.

Oh, and Vicente Fox visited immigrant-friendly Utah recently. For his speech-making he chose not to allow any English-speaking Americans ask him questions because it may lead to, uh, awkward moments on his part. He said: “We won’t solve this problem in fences but hand in hand working together.” It is a euphemism basically advocating the joining of the U.S. and Mexico because, hey, there’s no border between the two nations to begin with! Right? Oh, and Bush calls it “comprehensive immigration reform,” Feinstein calls it a “clear path to earned legalization,” McCain calls it a banana, and now Fox is calling it “humane immigration overhaul.” It is better known as “amnesty.” Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, according to morning radio talk show host Bill Handel, “choked up as he praised Mexican traditions in fluent Spanish.” Handel also dryly noted that out-of-state tuition is not required of illegal aliens from Mexico.
“Try doing that in Mexico & see what happens,” said Handel, who noted also that the Latino culture, harboring a strong affiliation with the Catholic Church is, as a culture of not moving ahead and staying behind, is totally at odds with the American dream. I would have to agree.

Oh, and the Congressman William Jefferson Louisiana (Democrat) story is just too good to ignore. Imagine, the Democrats complaining about the rampant corruption of Republican party members now having to deal with one of their own! And of course, as Jefferson is African-American, any indictment against him would be racist! Of course! If the criminal is black, a white cannot accuse him/her because it’s racism! Beautiful! Well, we found our game man. He was caught red-handed with ninety grand dollars wrapped in an aluminum foil in turn stowed in his freezer. Of course, that’s not the issue. When asked by a reporter why he cannot just deny the charges, Jefferson replied that “You’re asking me to get into facts that I have told you I will not get into.” Right, so he’s guilty. Thank you for the honesty. But for everyone in Congress, the issue is the FBI raid on Jefferson’s congressional office this past weekend. They’re claiming it was unconstitutional yadayadayada…fuck off. Baloney! Jefferson was caught on tape accepting a bribe and therefore the FBI had more than probable cause. And the congressmen dare to claim that the FBI does not have a right to raid the office?! It asked for a search warrant and was granted such by a judge based on an affidavit. With this kind of circumstance the FBI would have the right to raid the Oval Office, for goodness sake! This raid in no way violates separation of powers and it is really shocking that congress would act this way during an election year – both major parties! I will not be surprised if any third parties rake in more votes this year.


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